A Genius Actor Who Brings Misfortune - Chapter 529
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The genius actor who brings misfortune (529)
A video was uploaded to the Internet.
The title of the video was ‘Intensive Tracking of Lee Yeon-jae & Lee Eun-taek’s Disownment Process’.
When I turned on the video, a man wearing a mask appeared.
[“The people’s right to know! The Guardians of Justice will protect it.”]
He said he would delve into the details of the currently controversial relationship between Lee Yeon-jae and Lee Eun-taek.
The video starts with an exclusive article that first broke the rumor, and then shows a man heading somewhere.
[“What brings you here?”]
The place he arrived was an orphanage.
[“Ah, this is where Lee Yeon-jae lived―.”]
[“I’m sorry. Please leave.”]
The woman, presumed to be the teacher, nodded and hurriedly left the place.
The scene was captioned, “A scene so guarded that it almost seems like an interview.”
[“As mentioned in the article, the period during which the two were a family was one year.”]
[“So, Mr. Eun-taek Lee’s family adopted Yeon-jae Lee and then abandoned her after only one year.”]
[“As a result of our intensive investigation, we learned that in the meantime, Lee Eun-taek’s first child died in an accident.”]
The man muttered in a serious voice.
[“Could it be that after the death of the eldest child, he blamed everything on the youngest child whom he had just adopted?”]
It was clearly a serious voice.
[“If so, it would be a matter of great social controversy.”]
But strangely enough, it felt like he was having fun.
[“What did that kid do wrong to make that decision?”]
He spoke with a smile on his face, without any humor.
[“For the sake of the people’s right to know, I think Lee Eun-taek’s family should make a statement.”]
[“What do you think?”]
[“If you found today’s video helpful, please subscribe and like. It really helps.”]
The video ended with a promise to do a follow-up report on the topic.
The comment reactions were like this.
―Invasion of privacy (79k likes)
└I’m annoyed that I didn’t go to Wooyeon Enter and just went to a regular daycare center.
―If it’s true, it’ll be a real problem. How serious is the prejudice against adoption… I hope you’ll make a statement quickly. (34,000 likes)
―No, the two of you are on good terms right now, so why are you bringing this up and making a fuss? Anyway, Korean people are interfering in other people’s lives.
└That’s because it’s a topic that could cause social controversy.
└Even so, Eun-taek Lee’s family and the first son are all ordinary people;
└What does that have to do with anything? I mosaiced it, didn’t I?
└Is that a mosaic? I can see the whole face
└ㅋㅋㅋㅋAt that level, it’s almost transparentㅋㅋㅋ
In addition, numerous posts were uploaded to various communities.
[Title: Did you see the article about Lee Yeon-jae and Lee Eun-taek?]
No, the two were family;;
I’m so surprised, seriously why didn’t you say anything?
―You probably didn’t say anything because you were hurt by something~
―I don’t treat you like a human being because you abandoned me. I just want you to be completely devastated.
└Yeah, you’re the one who believes what Rekka says and writes malicious comments.
[Title: Is there anyone who doesn’t know that Lee Eun-taek’s personality is like Nagari? LOL]
Anyone who has ever stepped foot on a stone slab knows
He’s known to be a total idiot
So I wasn’t particularly surprised to hear about this.
―Me tooㅋㅋㄱ I’m a person who is rude to fans, so I don’t know what you expectedㅋ
―??? Where did such nonsense come from? Do you believe everything that isn’t even verified?
―I got the PDF
―What are you talking about? Didn’t you see the post that the director who shot the pictorial last time posted? I can’t believe this post even if I just look at the DM that Lee Eun-taek sent me at that time.
└What is it about? Can someone tell me?
└They say that when they were taking the pictorial, the leader of the group was sick and had no strength, but Eun-taek Lee kept joking and bought food for the staff to keep the mood going.
└And after it was over, I sent a DM to the director saying that he worked hard and that the filming went well thanks to him. Normally, the leader hyung would contact him, but he said that he was contacting him because his hyung was sick.
└;; This kind of writing always gets buried
[Title: Wow, now my legs fit perfectly]
Huh? No? Oh, I don’t know
-Tell me what’s correctㅋㅋㅋ
└No lol. Lee Eun-taek calls Lee Yeon-jae “baby.” I was wondering why he called her that, but wasn’t that what he called her when she was little?
└Oh, I see. The legs fit perfectly.
└The puzzle does fit together, but I always wondered why they were so obsessed with each other
└Bigeoper, okay lol
[Title: If you look at what Lee Eun-taek is calling you now]
Whatever happened in the past, things seem to be going well between the two now.
At first, I thought Lee Yeon-jae was acting?
But when I looked it up, it turns out that Lee Eun-taek and Bi-hyeok had been hanging out together for a long time before their debut.
Since it is a story told by a named person, authentication is also possible
―What if we’re on good terms now? Anyway, Lee Yeon-jae must have been really hurt back thenㅡㅡ
-I wish I could just quit quickly.
└Ha… If only the ignorant quitter would turn off
―Eun-taek Lee didn’t even disown him, so why does he have to be cursed at?? Even if he’s cursed at, shouldn’t he have said something to his parents?
└It seems like this kid is relying on Lee Eun-taek
[Title: Oh my, Lee Yeon-jae and Lee Eun-taek’s live broadcast notice is gone]
It’s not an explanation or a notice of lawsuit, it’s a live broadcast?
Wow, I never imagined I would react like this
―This is a series by Bambi, a former streamer
―Look at the thumbnail, it’s so damn coolㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
―Where can I see itㅜㅠㅠㅠ
└Click here to start now
└Oh, gggs, let’s go right in!!
* * *
“Yeonjae, Euntaek, are you ready?”
“Yes, I’m ready.”
The entertainment industry’s standard way to respond to controversy is ‘silence.’
This is the best method for Koreans who quickly forget things after just a few days.
But there are areas where this doesn’t work.
Things that are socially controversial.
Examples include reporting crimes such as drunk driving, assault, ethical issues, and dishonest work attitudes.
In cases like this, all you have to do is write a few lines of a handwritten letter and upload it.
In just a few days, it will be buried. That’s how the entertainment industry rolls on. But… .
‘I don’t want to do that.’
I didn’t want to just gloss over this.
To me, this was not a shameful story.
I didn’t want to just sit by and let people curse at my adoptive parents and Lee Eun-taek so much.
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And if you are going to respond… .
“The broadcast will start in 15 seconds!”
We need to respond coolly.
‘Let’s just mention it once and end it properly.’
I straightened my neatly dressed shirt again.
“Why can’t you do this too?”
At that moment, a hand suddenly appeared from the side.
“Are you really a baby? You’re being rude.”
“Why are you arguing?”
“Your shirt is all messed up. Just wait.”
“Oh, just leave it alone.”
“I told you to wait a moment.”
“No, the broadcast is starting!”
“So, adjust your clothes!”
It was when I was gritting my teeth to shake off Eun-taek Lee’s hand, and Eun-taek Lee was trying harder and running towards me.
“… … Hey, the broadcast has started.”
Oh, really.
I looked straight ahead in a hurry at the PD’s words.
-What are you guys doing…
-Why are you fighting as soon as the broadcast starts? Lol
―Wow, looking at it like this, they really do look like brothersㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I smiled awkwardly and lowered my head.
“Hello. I am actress Lee Yeon-jae.”
When I tapped the person next to me, an indifferent voice fell out.
“Yes. Hello. This is Naed Lee Eun-taek.”
“I apologize for causing you any trouble with our work since yesterday. I know it’s a bit much to call it an explanation, but I thought it needed explaining, so I turned on the broadcast.”
It was actually only a matter of time before the fact of the excommunication became known.
It was when I was in the 5th grade of elementary school that Eun-taek Lee told some of his friends about me.
After that, there was no further comment and things remained quiet, but word had already spread.
Accordingly, Lee Eun-taek and my agency discussed this for a very long time and came up with a response plan.
After the incident becomes known, how can we ensure that each person’s activities are not restricted?
The words to be used in press reports, the proportion of future mentions of each other, etc.
It’s already been two years since I’ve gone through all the fine details.
‘It broke out later than I thought.’
After taking a deep breath, I slowly opened my mouth.
“Let me tell you the facts first.”
“Yes. Me and the baby, ugh! Why are you pinching me!”
“This is a serious situation. Speak properly.”
“… … It’s true that Yeonjae and I were once legally family.”
-No, you guys are still like family… .
―ㅋㅋㅋㅋIs this a statement broadcast or a sitcom?
-Oh my god, this is crazy, what are you guys doing? LOL
The comments were very enthusiastic.
At first glance, I felt somewhat relieved because there seemed to be a lot of ‘ㅋㅋㅋㅋ’.
Whether he knew my feelings or not, Eun-taek Lee quietly confessed the truth.
“Ah… Yeonjae was 7 years old. That’s when my parents adopted her. That’s when I first met her.”
Eun-taek Lee said that it was true that he had adopted her and that he had given up his child for adoption.
“Adopting a child and then abandoning the adoption is unforgivable, no matter what the circumstances. It causes an indelible wound.”
He continued to say that he was sorry for giving Yeonjae such a hurt.
“And it’s true that we had an older brother.”
The story about Ji-heon hyung is summarized very briefly and simply.
The first accident was the trigger for the breakup.
But, he quickly chimed in, saying that it was difficult to talk about anything more in-depth.
“It’s the same for me too.”
I opened my mouth carefully, hoping that my sincerity would be conveyed.
“Even if I were the person involved, I know that it’s not easy to talk about excommunication. I’m okay now, but I also know that I wasn’t okay back then.”
I looked straight at the screen.
“But I’m okay now.”
“… … .”
“If you really want me to be okay, I would appreciate it if you would stop slandering my family.”
Eun-taek Lee paused when the word family came up.
Eun-taek Lee glanced at me and patted my hand out of sight of the camera.
And then he said this.
“We plan to pay for the sins we committed for the rest of our lives.”
It was a really serious voice.
I was the one who was shaken by this.
“What’s the price? Just do what you’ve been doing.”
“That’s what I originally thought.”
“That’s funny. Would someone like that hit their younger brother on the forehead?”
“Hey, you were the one who hit me.”
How did you hit that?
It’s just that my hand and forehead are stuck together.
‘It’s unfair.’
When I made a face of bewilderment, he returned with an even more absurd expression. This is truly ridiculous.
―It hasn’t even been 5 minutes since the broadcast started, and we’ve already fought several times.
-You two are brothers.
-No, Lee Yeon-jaeㅋㅋㅋ Why are you treating Bi-hyeok and Lee Eun-taek so differentlyㅋㅋㅋ
―After all, BFFs and older brothers are different just by their very existence.
At that moment, the PD coughed loudly.
It was a cry to not forget that we were currently on air.
“Oh, yes. Sorry.”
I quickly changed the subject.
“Hyung Eun-taek, since it’s come to this, should I show you that?”
In fact, there was no reason to worry even when controversy erupted.
‘Because I have the perfect weapon.’
I said with a grin.
“There’s a picture of us, right? It was taken when we were kids.”
“Oh, I guess so.”
I took out the photo I had been keeping in my arms.
Just a few hours ago, this thing didn’t exist in the world.
Yes, that’s right.
I had a surefire weapon called fog.
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