A Genius Actor Who Brings Misfortune - Chapter 540
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The genius actor who brings misfortune (540)
[Title: Lee Yeon-jae’s Mipple appearance is the best everㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱ]
I thought she had a calm image?
But why are there so many things that explode without resistance?
―The body gag in the valley was the funniestㅋㅋㅋ
└The expression at that time was really real. The basket was completely empty and X’s expression was so empty it was hilarious
└I almost spit water at this part tooㅋㅋㅋㄱㅌ
―I wonder what goes on in Lee Yeon-jae’s head. How can she be so funny?
[Title: Lee Yeon-jae’s Do-hae Acting Seriously, Watching for the 9373rd Time]
Isn’t it crazy to act like that with a magpie head?
It’s amazing how you can instantly immerse yourself in emotions and act.
-I felt like I heard a cut in my ear
―Is it just me who finds it so amazing that you can suddenly break away from emotional immersion??? Doesn’t it take actors a few seconds to come to their senses after acting?
└No, that’s what I’m sayingㅋㄱ Even though it was a tearful performance, it was so creepy how it changed to a blank expression after a few secondsㄷㄷㄷ
└But it’s kind of cool
└Me tooㅋ That’s why I keep watching the video every time the algorithm comes upㅋ
└It’s addictive like a drug
[Title: But when I was acting like Dohae, my head was like, lol]
Don’t get me wrong, he really did a great job acting.
But because he has a magpie head and says those lines, lol
Ah, why is this so funny? LOL
-I’m not joking, I’m really on the verge of becoming a fan
└Wow, I thought that was the comment I wrote
└I also thought of Lee Yeon-jae as a good actress, but after seeing this meme, I’m going crazyㅜㅠ
―I think it was the cutest when the production team said I was cute before I started acting and I said I knew.
└Oh, that’s crazy
└A sullen expression + a magpie nest + a half-asleep face + “I know.” = death
└Biyeon is already dead 🙂
[Title: Lee Yeon-jae will probably be very popular when she becomes an adult]
Of course, since they have looks, I think they’ll be popular no matter what their personality is.
After watching this variety show, my liking changed to hohohohohoho
―Yeah, I think I know why Lily is like Bambi Bambi.
└There is something that basically attracts people.
└I completely understand why they call it a religious group after watching the entertainment show.
―Lee Yeon-jae is not just handsome and good at acting, but she is also excitingly handsome and acts excitingly.
-How old is he now?
└There are now six months left until I become an adult.
└Ha Yeonjae, wait. I’ll marry you in half a year.
└Please pick a number 🙂
[Title: But it definitely seems like there’s something missing with Lily]
So are you dating Mia Brown?
―Hey, stop messing around with it. Take the contact lenses out of your eyes.
└Ah, whyㅜㅠ Only when handsome men and beautiful women date can my eyes be happyㅜㅠㅠ
―Lee Yeon-jae will probably date someday, but it doesn’t seem like it’ll be right now. She looks so happy when she’s acting.
―But do you know, when those kinds of people fall in love, it’s no joke? They might fall in love once and get married right away.
└Marriage in this Bambi series? I can’t do it even if I die
└Who brought up the wedding? (Taking out a club)
[Title: Huh, Lee Yeon-jae selected as Rotabi representative model]
This is crazy, really world class ㄷㄷㄷ
―What is Rotabi? This is the first time I’ve heard of it.
└Ah, if you’re not interested in fashion, you might not know about this new fashion brand launched by Myungwoo Enterprise.
└Myungwoo?? They do fashion too???
└ㅇㅇ Last year, we brought in a senior designer from XX.
―I thought it was strange that Lee Yeon-jae hadn’t done any advertisements until now. I heard that she had even received an offer from XX. When I heard that, I was like, “Huh?? Why?”
└But if Myungwoo is the new brand’s representative model, I understand the fanboys. Even I could probably make a living off of this.
└ Don’t you think Myungwoo would rather not hire celebrities to do commercials? Like the bed commercial you did last time, he’s been consistently giving it to Lee Yeonjae.
└In the first place, the orphanage where Lee Yeon-jae grew up was sponsored by Myung-woo.
└Aha, I didn’t know
└If Lee Yeon-jae doesn’t cause any accidents, will she keep renewing her contract? Haha, but Lee Yeon-jae is really doing well. Haha, she did a good job.
―Rotavi X Lee Yeon-jae I’m so excitedㅜㅠㅠㅠ I wonder what the concept will beㅜㅠ
* * *
“Before I explain our brand concept, there’s something I want to tell you, Yeonjae.”
The woman in front of me smiled brightly.
She was the representative of ‘Rotabi’, a new fashion brand launched by Myungwoo Enterprise.
Rotavi was a brand of such a large size that the fashion world was talking about it even before its launch.
If we build it up well, it could one day become a luxury brand.
A woman who represents such a brand said:
“You know Director Kim Min-hyeok, right? He’s the one who asked Yeon-jae to be the model for this brand.”
“Yes, of course. I first met him when I was in elementary school.”
“Aha, but I don’t like Director Kim Min-hyeok.”
“… … I see.”
I couldn’t control my facial expression for a moment because of the fastball that came right at me.
He tried to force a smile, but his expression fell as he continued to speak.
“Ha, he’s really the worst as a colleague. He has no ability and no thoughts. He’s just so bad at his job.”
“… … .”
“Of course, he’s not exactly a fun person to be around as a friend. He’s so empty-headed that he makes a crackling sound whenever he talks.”
oh my god.
‘What kind of expression should I make?’
I smiled awkwardly.
No matter how much Rotavi pursues an independent brand, the fact that it is a brand that was created by taking capital from Myungwoo Enterprise does not change.
And to openly insult the youngest son of the chairman of that company, who is also a director.
Even in the industry, I was embarrassed to see someone who was rumored to be close to me—this was Director Kim Min-hyeok’s personal claim—being criticized.
The representative smiled broadly as I remained silent.
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“You may wonder why I am talking about this out of the blue. But if I want to continue working with Yeonjae, this is something I absolutely had to talk about.”
“That’s because Director Kim Min-hyeok recommended Yeon-jae as a model. If Yeon-jae is as stupid as Kim Min-hyeok, I’m willing to cancel the contract right now.”
The representative leisurely lifted his teacup.
“Actually, I had no intention of using a celebrity model for Rotavi. I had no choice because Director Kim Min-hyeok was so pushy.”
“I see. Then, wouldn’t it be okay to cancel the contract right now?”
I don’t want to work with someone who doesn’t like me either.
As I responded calmly, the woman’s smile grew wider.
“That’s what I said at first. Now, even though Director Kim Min-hyeok is against it, I’m going crazy because I want to use Yeonjae.”
“… … Your mood changes really quickly.”
“That’s how people in this industry are. Do you know what my nickname is?”
Click, a word was heard along with the sound of a teacup being put down.
“She’s crazy.”
“… … .”
I was completely speechless.
I’ve been in countless meetings and face-to-face meetings, but I’ve never heard such swear words.
As I opened my mouth slightly without realizing it, the CEO started laughing out loud.
“Haha! You get the nickname, right? I’m seriously crazy.”
Until just a moment ago, he was the one who had a soft smile befitting his title as CEO.
The representative laughed heartily and continued speaking without hesitation.
“I don’t want to talk too strongly about feminism, but as a woman, you have to be crazy to get to this position. As with all industries, the higher you go in fashion, the more men there are.”
“Yes, I heard that too.”
“I know you criticized me so harshly earlier, but there’s only one reason I work with Director Kim Min-hyeok. He doesn’t ignore me because I’m a woman. He knows that I’m good at my job, and he knows how to use that to his advantage.”
The representative looked at me with narrowed eyes.
“What about you, Yeonjae? Can you take advantage of the fact that I’m a woman?”
That made me question my first thought.
“Well, I guess.”
I opened my mouth without hiding my puzzled expression.
“It doesn’t matter to me whether the CEO is a man or a woman. What matters to me is whether he or she is good at his or her job.”
“But now I’m sure.”
“What is it?”
“You’re saying that the CEO is good at his job. Are you trying to discourage me now?”
“… … .”
The representative paused for a moment, then a few seconds later burst into hysterical laughter.
The CEO, who had been laughing so hard he almost cried, soon raised both hands as if he had lost.
“It’s just as I heard. Yeonjae is really no joke. I can’t win.”
“Is there anyone who gets discouraged by something like this?”
“Oh my, there are so many! If a woman acts like a crazy bitch, most men will go crazy. They might curse behind my back, but at least they won’t take me for granted.”
The representative tapped the cold teacup.
“There are so many people who look down on me just because I’m a woman. Surprisingly, more often than not, they’re not men. Isn’t it strange that even though I’m a woman, I’m more likely to listen to my male superiors?”
“Then the employees currently at Rotabi are probably not like that.”
“Haha! That’s right. The friends under me don’t have such boring thoughts. I teach them so hard.”
The CEO explained how he had survived in an industry dominated by men.
How hard it was to survive in an industry where it was normal to go play golf whenever you had time and call women whenever you entertained people.
I heard the emptiness I felt when I didn’t get my abilities properly recognized just because I didn’t do that kind of thing.
Only after hearing all this did I understand the rudeness she had just displayed.
“That’s why taking the initiative is important. I’ve lived this way for decades, fighting like this, and I’ve always succeeded. But this is my first defeat.”
“It is an honor.”
“I am more honored. I can just work without any unnecessary fights with Yeonjae. Thank you. This is the first time I’ve met a celebrity like this.”
The representative smiled and extended his hand.
It was a handshake to ask for your help in the future.
I took the representative’s hand in both of my own and started talking about work in earnest.
“That’s how the fashion industry used to be. Someone would set a trend and everyone else would follow.”
But now everything has changed, the representative explained.
The days when one trend could have such a huge impact are over.
If we look at them one by one, they are clearly trends that have a big impact, but the situation is that these trends are occurring simultaneously.
Terms I had never heard of before, such as ballet core and golf core, also appeared.
“In the past, when FanX decided on the color of the year, the fashion world would move accordingly. Not anymore. If each brand can bring out its own personality, people will choose it.”
I listened to the representative’s words as if I was possessed.
“With the emergence of so many brands, people have become less sensitive to trends.”
“Yes, I understand.”
“Okay, but you also have to understand that people have become more sensitive to trends.”
“Everyone wants to be out of fashion, but the world doesn’t allow it. Even if you say, ‘I don’t care about fashion!’, if the only thing in front of you is a trendy item, you have no choice but to buy it.”
People still wear what they want, but there’s always the fear that it might be out of style.
“And we have to use it.”
“There’s Yeonjae.”
The representative smiled and pointed at me with his finger.
“Right now, Yeonjae is a trend in South Korea. And she will remain a cultural phenomenon someday.”
“… … .”
“People now wear concepts, not fashion. It’s the same with actors. Just as actors play a character, people create a persona based on a popular concept and wear clothes that fit that.”
And the word came back that what we had to do was to popularize the persona called ‘Lee Yeon-jae’.
“What do you think? Doesn’t it sound fun?”
The face before my eyes was filled with joy.
They were the eyes of a person who was completely enjoying his work.
By that time, I couldn’t hold back the corners of my lips from going up.
‘Ha, as expected.’
The person who was good at his job was the best.
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