A Genius Actor Who Brings Misfortune - Chapter 542
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The genius actor who brings misfortune (542)
[Title: Doesn’t Lee Yeon-jae seem really gentle?]
Why did I do that every time my non-lover friend called me Bambi Bambi?
But after watching the variety show with Lee Eun-taek and seeing Miracle Play this time, I kind of understand;;
Oh, so this is how fandom begins…
-But the kid is really innocent
– It’s completely different from the boys I know.
└ㅇㅇ My younger sibling and I are the same age, but we feel fundamentally different
-Don’t you think he won’t drink or smoke even after he becomes an adult?
└It’s more like a scholar feeling, so I like it more ㅋㅋㅌㅋ
―These days, Lee Yeon-jae’s image seems to be really extremely extremely likable. She originally had a solid image as an actress with great acting skills, but she’s become really soft since she started appearing on variety shows.
└I want to exchange Malrang
└To trade with Lee Yeon-jae, you must bring Seong-jun with Malrang.
└The conditions for exchanging the ㅅ띠바 are really strict
―My parents also like to bring up Lee Yeon-jae these days, telling me to make friends like her.
―But when I’m with my manager and when I’m on a live broadcast, I have a really gentle personality.
―If you look at the paparazzi cuts, her expression seems blunt, but when you look at her, she’s all smiles, and that’s really cuteㅜㅠ
└Is there a time when Bambi becomes serious??
└I don’t even know how to get angryㅜㅠㅜ
* * *
“(What are you talking about?!!)”
The other person shouted loudly.
After his voice rang through the room, silence filled the room.
I stared at the sight expressionlessly, then quickly lowered my eyebrows.
“(Ah…. I’m really sorry. That….)”
His voice sounded hoarse, and his eyes blinked several times as if he was nervous.
He muttered with the face of a kid who made a mistake, no matter who looked at him.
“(I made a mistake. You’re right. I spoke too roughly.)”
I took the photo out of my arms with a face that said I was truly sorry.
He took out a few photos and threw them at the desk where the executives were sitting.
The photo passed several people and arrived in front of the man who had just screamed.
And the man… .
His face turned so pale that I wondered if he was really the person who had been yelling just a moment ago.
I apologized again, looking at his stiff face.
“(A massage shop? I chose the wrong word. But you even had a baby last year, so I can’t just call you a masseuse, right?)”
“(Somehow. Now I understand. Having a baby definitely costs a lot of money. That’s why you sent so much money, right?)”
He nodded his head repeatedly with a sad look on his face.
There were records of relatively large sums of money being withdrawn periodically from the man’s account.
It was an amount that made perfect sense when you thought of it as child support.
I made a face that said I understood, then quickly tilted my head to the side.
“(But I’m curious about something… Does your wife know?)”
“(What about your son who is now entering high school?)”
The man’s face turned pale.
Looking at that sight, I slowly erased my expression.
‘How pathetic.’
Why did I believe that I would jump into this fight just because of a few pictures?
‘I shouldn’t have created a weakness that could be discovered.’
Then, whether you bully or not, you won’t be able to do it.
I suppressed the urge to nag at the man and took out the documents and photos I had prepared.
“(This document is evidence that the CEO manipulated the stock price. Oh, and the director embezzled the money? Did other people know about this?)”
Every time I opened my mouth, the temperature in the room grew colder.
The cases were also diverse, including stock manipulation, embezzlement, and extramarital affairs with subordinates.
Thanks to the fog, I learned things I had no idea about until this afternoon.
‘As expected, my secret weapon.’
While I was smiling inwardly with satisfaction, I heard a faint murmur from the other side.
“(T, how do I… how do I know this? Even my secretary doesn’t know.)”
“(I’m not your secretary.)”
He smiled with the corners of his lips raised.
“(This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many ways to find out the secrets you are hiding. And I know how.)”
“(So please don’t act like this in the future. I have no intention of working with Bishir.)”
Do you understand?
People nodded their heads hastily at my softly spoken words.
The ugly sight was funny, but he didn’t show it.
‘I have to protect my last bit of pride.’
Aren’t they people for whom pride is so important?
If I had taken away the last standing places of those people, I too could have become a target of attack.
‘I’m telling you this now.’
That I’m not someone to attack, I’m just someone to avoid getting entangled.
In that sense, there was one more thing to do.
“(Oh, and you need to change the chief designer.)”
“(Alex Patterson. You won’t be working with him anymore.)”
Noah Patterson’s father and Bishr’s chief designer.
He was also a person with great connections in Hollywood and had enormous influence.
Noah Patterson also believed in his father and made that mistake.
‘Not anymore.’
I think we’ve already fired enough warning shots.
I clearly told him not to approach me and that I had no intention of working with him.
‘And yet you created a place like this?’
This wasn’t a place to laugh it off.
If I didn’t have a secret weapon called fog, I would have just laughed here and gone home lonely.
If I had been really unlucky, I would have cancelled my contract with Rotavi and signed with Bishir.
It was necessary to deal with this cleanly so that similar incidents would not occur in the future.
“(Get it sorted out as soon as possible. This is my sincere advice.)”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“(What is that…)”
The executives’ expressions became blank.
There was a look on his face like he couldn’t understand why Alex Patterson’s story was suddenly being brought up.
But that was only for a moment.
People’s cell phones started ringing at the same time.
‘Brother Jinbae did a good job.’
Thank goodness. As expected, it’s my brother.
It’s a real blessing to have someone you can trust by your side.
As I raised the corners of my mouth, people looked at me and picked up and put down their phones.
“(Then I’ll go. Make sure I don’t see you again.)”
I gestured for him to take it quickly and then turned away.
In the short time that I closed the door and came out, the room became noisy.
That was understandable, because… .
[(Exclusive) Controversy over racist remarks by Alex Patterson, senior designer at Bishir US.]
[What caused the stock price crash of Bishir? The chief designer’s personal recording is revealed.]
[Netizens are shocked by the radical statement, “All non-Americans should die”…]
Because I leaked to the media a video of Noah Patterson’s father, Alex Patterson, being racist.
Even a photo of someone pretending to slit their eyes horizontally is a hugely damaging racial discrimination issue in the United States.
‘But at that rate, I can come back in a few months.’
But what about videos rather than photos?
Alex Patterson was more than just a racist; he was a man with a sense of white privilege.
He is the type of person who would be embarrassed as a fellow white person.
‘Fashion isn’t just the clothes you wear.’
As CEO Rotabi said, people don’t buy a brand’s clothes just for their looks.
It’s like buying into the heritage, image, and symbolism of that brand.
So going forward, buying Bishir clothing means buying white supremacist clothing.
‘I’m going to be busy from now on.’
This incident will not ruin Bishir.
There are probably many other great designers besides Alex Patterson, so I’ll try to eliminate the cause of the problem and improve the image as soon as possible.
However, it is safe to say that the Patterson family is ruined.
‘You should have behaved appropriately.’
Noah Patterson was given ample warning.
There is no reason for me to overlook him just because I am young and not a commoner.
‘That’s the end.’
Now all you have to do is tell Fog to keep an eye on Noah Patterson.
People who suddenly fall into the abyss don’t know what they will do.
I took care of the work without anyone knowing that it was me who did it.
But unless you’re a real idiot, there’s no way you wouldn’t know that I’m behind all this.
I had to prevent things like the Choi Dae-ri incident from happening again and attacking me with a grudge.
‘If I get hurt because of him, Jinbae hyung will worry.’
It’s not just Jinbae hyung. My whole family will be worried.
It was already bothering him enough that he was spitting up blood periodically, but he couldn’t bother people any more.
Ah, that feels refreshing.
I felt myself humming as I left the store.
* * *
[Title: Did you see the remarks made by designer Bishir this time?]
I’m speechless while watching the actual video because it’s so vulgar
How did someone like that become the chief designer of Bishir?
―What I mean is;; every single word you say is legendary, it’s really disgusting
―They said it was cut right in Bishir, but it still feels weird. I don’t think I’ll use Bishir anymore.
-That guy’s son is also very famous in Hollywood.
└Oh really?
└ㅇㅇ Whenever singers or actors throw after-parties, their sons always show up.
└There was a lot of talk about him being a Hollywood big shot. I think we should just filter out all the people who are close to him.
└Ah, I know who it is when I look at the picture. It seems like Lily Sweetie really hated it.
└ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThat’s right, Lily once appeared on a talk show and said she had sassy blonde hairㅋㅋㅋ
[Title: Rotabi staff must be screaming loudly right now]
Bishir looks like he’s going to die, but isn’t it awesome?
Rotabi staff should give money to the people who spread that videoㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱ
―I think the atmosphere will definitely change and it will be good if Rotabi is launched this time.
-Ah, I’m already looking forward to it. I heard you took a concept photo with Lee Yeon-jae. When will it be released?
└It’s coming out at the end of this monthㅜㅠㅠ I have to hold my breath until then
* * *
As soon as I opened my eyes, something big was rushing towards me.
I hugged Han Haram, who had a body that could no longer be hugged.
“Hello, Fog.”
“Hehehe. Today was great too!”
“It’s all thanks to you.”
I stroked the guy’s curly hair.
I looked into her sparkling eyes and stroked her soft cheek.
Then he whispered with all his heart.
“You are my luck.”
“… … Hit.”
The fog wrinkled its nose as if embarrassed, then quickly dove back into my arms.
A familiar warmth, a scent reminiscent of entering the forest.
‘My fog.’
The scent coming into my nose warmed my heart.
My family, Jinbae hyung, Jeonghyeon hyung who is always by my side, Noh Bihyeok who I will live with someday, Lee Euntaek who is like a child but also like an older brother, Seong Ijun who resembles a chick or a sparrow, and Sergio who is becoming cuter by the day.
‘Everything is good, but….’
And yet, my essence was here.
With the fog waiting for me in this black space.
I smiled and whispered.
“I love you, Fog.”
“I love you too!”
The laughter that followed immediately filled me with happiness.
I did the same.
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