He is Already a Tycoon at a Young Age! - Chapter 92
Only Noblemtl
June 14, 1997, GL Group Vice President’s Office.
“Since May 15, the Korea Composite Stock Price Index has continued to rise slightly and has now recovered to 600 points.”
“There are about 6 months left until that derivative expires, hahaha!”
GL Group Vice Chairman Koo Seong-mo laughed heartily as he recalled Ji-seong.
“Yes, that’s right. If the Korea Composite Stock Price Index continues to rise even slightly in this state, you will make a huge profit because you invested in the opposite side of the derivative product.”
“I have to make that kid give me exactly what he asked me to give him.”
Of course, compared to GL Electronics, the size of Samjung Electronics and Taean Electronics has grown several times. And Samjung Securities has also now increased its market share compared to GK Securities.
“Why does it continue to rise, even if only slightly?”
“Foreign capital began to flow in from May 14, and the withdrawal of invested capital is being delayed.”
“Someone from a large hedge fund overseas, like me, invested against that derivative.”
“Yes, if the Korea Composite Stock Price Index maintains 400 points after the December maturity and the contrarian investment is successful, there is a possibility that a large-scale withdrawal will be made immediately with the profits.”
“The shock will be greater then.”
“I think so.”
“I’m finally going to see that little punk named Ji-seong fail at investing and get beat by me. Hahaha!”
Vice Chairman Koo Seong-mo knew well that he had to overcome Ji-seong to inherit all management rights of the GL Group from the GL Group Chairman.
“Director Park, continue to monitor the situation and report to me.”
“Yes, I understand.”
“With him, regardless of the means and methods, secure the financial statements of Samjung Securities and Taean Electronics, as Samjung Electronics will be in trouble. As a winner, you must negotiate with intelligence.”
Vice Chairman Koo Seong-mo tried to prepare for the expiration of the derivatives product with an expression that said he had already won everything.
* * *
June 15, 1997, Suite at Gaya Hotel, Hong Kong.
“As you know, last May, the Korean government increased the foreign stock investment limit from 20% to 25%, and as a result, the rate at which funds invested in Korea are flowing out of the country is increasing.”
“If this happens, it will be easier to hunt for South Korean companies through the US Pacific Investment Corporation or Hong Kong Oriental Investment Corporation.”
“That is true. However, since the Korea Composite Stock Price Index must fall below 400 points by December of this year, we cannot afford to do corporate shopping through the two foreign corporations.”
I said corporate hunting.
Kim Eung-soo, head of the strategic planning office, said it was corporate shopping.
If investment funds flow in from overseas, the South Korean composite stock index is bound to rise.
‘GL Group Vice Chairman Koo Seong-mo made a counter investment.’
After six months, Vice Chairman Koo Seong-mo will shed tears of blood and hand over GL Securities and GL Electronics to me.
“But it seems like there’s a problem.”
“What’s the problem?”
“Yes, that’s right. The Soros Fund, an American hedge fund, made a negative investment in the derivatives you invested in.”
This is an emergency situation.
‘I might be the one who’s going to shed tears of blood.’
If George Soros invests the funds he manages in South Korea on a large scale, the South Korean composite stock index will rise.
“In fact, even if it is a huge hedge fund, it is difficult to dramatically increase the Korea Composite Stock Price Index. However, unfortunately, the success criteria for the derivatives designed by the CEO are so high that I believe George Soros’ hedge fund money would be enough to defend the Korea Composite Stock Price Index at 400 points.”
“So now, what is my situation, in common parlance?”
“Yes, that’s right. The Korea Composite Stock Price Index, which had been falling continuously until May 14, began to rise slightly on May 15 and has now recovered to 600 points. GL Group Vice Chairman Koo Seong-mo must have felt relieved.”
“If it goes on like this?”
“There is a high possibility that the composite stock index will recover to 700 points. And if George Soros’ hedge fund money does not withdraw from South Korea, we cannot expect the composite stock index to fall below 400 points.”
“How much will I lose then?”
In response to my question, Kim Eung-soo, head of the Strategy Planning Office, opened his notebook.
“It’s 5.5 trillion won. It may not be a fatal loss, but it makes it impossible for you to force a merger between GL Securities and GL Electronics.”
“I guess so. George Soros is only doing this for profit, right?”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“But, this is a conspiracy theory, but there is talk that the US and the IMF are spreading the financial and foreign exchange crisis in order to open up South Korea, which is closed in the financial market, copyright market, and service industry.”
“It is difficult for me to say that, as I have to report only objective and proven facts.”
“The important thing is how much pressure George Soros can withstand from other hedge funds.”
By now they must be encouraging capital withdrawal.
‘And Vice President Koo Seong-mo was excited.’
But I will only believe in the future memories that I know. And I intend to make those future memories become reality.
“That is a possibility.”
“Director Kim Eung-soo, hedge funds are ultimately aggressive funds created to maximize the profits of a small number of capitalists.”
“The only people who can get George Soros out are his hedge fund investors.”
“The problem is that it’s difficult for those investors to understand.”
“Yes. So the alternative now is to share the profits.”
“Now the important thing is who we share the profits with.”
“I guess I need to meet George Soros first.”
And I have to do something treasonous.
‘In the end, the South Korean economy will grow further.’
In order for finance to become more solid, a South Korean capitalist with huge capital representing national capital must emerge, and that must be me.
Like the Southeast Asian countries, we will continue to be oppressed by invading capitalists.
‘Southeast Asian countries and South Korea are becoming like ants.’
If ants work hard and save up, the invading capitalists can attack with their capital and eat it all up at once.
To prevent that, I decided to become a big capitalist. Of course, this idea is also just a lame excuse for me.
“Chief Secretary.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Contact George Soros.”
“Sir, you must be careful.”
“You say I have to be careful?”
“Yes, I sincerely advise you that there is no secret that can be sealed forever. And all the investments that you are making now are focused on the national bankruptcy crisis of the Republic of Korea. The people of the Republic of Korea will come to know this fact later.”
“I guess so.”
“If such a secret is revealed, nothing can absolve you of anything. And you are still young. 5.5 trillion won is an unimaginable amount of money, but I don’t think it is enough capital to bankrupt Pacific Investment Corporation. Please think about the future.”
This is really good advice.
“First of all, sir, I have no intention of asking anyone for an indulgence. From now on, I will only speak from my own perspective.”
“Sir, you don’t have to convince me. I will follow your orders.”
“I know. But listen. Why do countries in Southeast Asia periodically face foreign exchange and financial crises?”
“I think it’s because the economic foundation is not solid.”
“Yes, along with that, there is a lack of capital. I think South Korea is different from Southeast Asian countries, but it still lacks capital. Currently, South Korea’s economy is highly dependent on the Japanese and American economies. Then, as China grows, its trade dependence on China will increase. Perhaps in 10 years, there will be many politicians who are trembling at China.”
“Do you think China will grow to that extent?”
“Yes, it will grow economically. Even if it is a house of cards, the outside world will see it as growth, and since South Korea is a country that survives on exports, it will be conscious of the huge market of China. But, why can the Japanese economy survive when the Japanese economy is in a recession?”
“Isn’t it because the Japanese economy is so huge?”
“That is true, but in a situation where the yen is strong, the Japanese government, Japanese entrepreneurs, and Japanese capitalists are focused on overseas investment, and that is also enough to withstand the recession in the Japanese economy.”
“If you think so, why don’t you just increase your overseas investment like you are doing now?”
“That’s right. But I plan to change the economy of South Korea. In some ways, I may seem like a traitor who took advantage of South Korea’s national bankruptcy. However, in the process of South Korea overcoming the foreign exchange crisis that is about to come, I will become a greater capitalist than I am now and become a national capital that will block aggressive capital. Even if I give up my goal here, the future situation of South Korea will not change.”
“That is true.”
“The Korea Composite Stock Price Index, which was over 1,000 points, has now recovered to just 600 points. However, we are still in an economic crisis. Soros’s goal is to prevent the Korea Composite Stock Price Index from falling below 400 points.”
“Yes. But if you meet George Soros and make him withdraw his investment capital, and the Korea Composite Stock Price Index falls below 400 points, you are creating the worst situation for yourself. So you should not cooperate with George Soros.”
“I don’t intend to cooperate, I intend to threaten.”
“Yes, that’s right. So I have to meet with George Soros. Go ahead.”
“Yes, I understand.”
The chief secretary replied that after giving me sufficient advice, he would do as I instructed.
“Director Kim Eung-soo.”
“Yes, sir, contact Mr. James, the head of the American investment firm, and find the capitalists who invested in George Soros’ fund. In the end, we have to negotiate with them.”
“Yes, I understand.”
“And the reason I am doing this is to make South Korea a financial powerhouse, a capital powerhouse, and finally, an internet IT industry powerhouse. I hope that the country, which has always been robbed of its national wealth by invading capital, will be reborn as a powerhouse in overseas investment.”
The phrase that applies here is that when I do it, it’s romance, but when someone else does it, it’s an affair.
‘For others, it’s capital invasion.’
I’m investing overseas?
It’s funny to think about, but even though the era of imperialism is over, it’s a world where if you don’t take, you’ll be taken. And this will continue forever until the Earth is destroyed.
‘I will be the one who steals.’
I don’t care if someone calls me an evil capitalist.
Because originally, big capitalists were evil beings.