I Became a Food Developer in Another World - Chapter 59
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The whiskey produced in Cheongtap was a liquor distributed only in the North.
Because it was a drink created to replace wine, it was not even introduced to other regions.
Although wine was not unpopular in the central and southern regions, it did not enjoy as much of an exclusive status as in the north.
Wine may have had a high status in the past, but since the introduction of Guinness beer, wine sales have decreased significantly.
Since there were various carbonated drinks such as cola and cider, even though wine became difficult to find, the people of the empire did not feel a great lack.
The story was that there was no room for whiskey, a substitute for wine, to make inroads.
But that was turned upside down one day when a video was released throughout the empire.
“Wow, are those all cola bears?”
“Wow, that’s amazing.”
“How on earth did you take that picture?”
The people of the empire were astonished at the sight unfolding in the video inside the crystal ball.
It was quite an incredible sight.
A video was being shown of hundreds of polar bears flocking to the plains from tens of meters above, captured in one angle.
The footage gradually moved closer to a group of polar bears, eventually capturing one polar bear.
“What, what is it!? What’s that big?”
“Is that a bear or a devil?”
People were shocked and gulped at the size of the polar bear, which was much larger than they had imagined.
With those giant polar bears storming the blue tower, I figured anything was going to happen.
The people who were watching the video with such tension suddenly saw a strange sight.
“Hey, Yuri?”
The sage of the White Tower, Yuri Greyot, who was now familiar to them, was stepping forward in front of the polar bear.
But the absurd image was something the people of the empire could never have imagined.
─Krrrrr! The best, the best!
─What do you mean?
─Whiskey Cola is the best drink.
─It’s called Fairy Cock.
─… I see. Fairy Cock.
A polar bear that drinks a drink made by Yuri and dances in a way that doesn’t match its size.
“… … Is this how it turned out?”
“Didn’t you come here to fight?”
The people of the empire, unaware that it was an advertisement on such a grand scale, were bewildered by the unexpected development.
Meanwhile, the polar bear who had tasted Fairy Coke was rubbing the empty bottle against his cheek.
“Ears, you’re cute.”
“Well, it’s ridiculous to say that the cola bear is at war.”
The polar bear who got the bottle of whiskey looked very happy even to a stranger.
People who were nervous that a war might break out just laughed in vain.
After a brief moment of relief and laughter, people’s attention turned to the bottle of whiskey that Cola Bear was holding.
“How delicious must it be for you to do that?”
“Cola is Bear’s favorite drink. Wow, I want to try it too.”
The people of the empire in the South didn’t even know what whiskey was.
If you weren’t a Northerner, you probably wouldn’t have had the opportunity to try whiskey.
They couldn’t help but wonder what kind of drink could be so delicious that polar bears would come south in such large groups for it.
And as that curiosity matured, something surprising happened.
“What, what is that?”
“Hey, it’s a cola bear!”
“There are three of them!”
Three polar bears and a white bear appeared in succession in the imperial capital.
The White Bears, who appeared from the North carrying boxes as big as houses, were headed towards the White Tower.
Sightings of cola bears continued to pour in throughout the capital.
“No, polar bears come down here?”
“These Ministry bastards, you said White Bear couldn’t come down due to his physical structure. Are you lying again?”
As the Ministry of Magic’s predictions have repeatedly gone wrong recently, people have been questioning the Ministry’s expertise.
Meanwhile, trust hit rock bottom when the White Bears, whom the Ministry of Magic had told him not to worry about, showed up in the capital, saying they would never come down unless it was midwinter.
“I’ve been suspicious ever since the cola bear started living in the White Tower.”
“Didn’t you say last time that northerners would be healthy without wine? They say that was a lie too.”
“As expected, it’s a department that only eats up taxes.”
“Then what is the difference between a land bear and a white bear?”
“I wonder if the Ministry of Magic arbitrarily divided the same race.”
“Hmm, you wouldn’t have gone that far?”
Although the Ministry of Magic was suffering from an unexpected humiliation, there was another reason why the White Bears were able to roam around safely.
“… Krrrr, it’s refreshing.”
“… … I feel like I’m back home.”
Each of the white bears had ten magic stones taken from the Madongo attached to their chests.
The cold air emitted by the magic stone was keeping the white bears’ body temperature constant.
Of course, there was no problem even without the magic stone.
Contrary to popular belief, polar bears are creatures with strong physical strength and magical powers that can survive on land for more than a month.
Madonggo’s magic stone was merely a service to provide convenience to the polar bears.
There was no reason to save on this much money to show the performance.
And, naturally, this performance drew a hot response.
“Give me a whiskey!”
“How do you make a fairy cock!?”
“White Bear! Where is White Bear?!”
“There it is!”
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Fairy Whiskey, which was rumored to be a drink even recognized by White Bear, was packed with people from the day it was released.
“Wow, so you can drink cola like this.”
“Wow, what is this? Is cola intoxicating?”
The people of the empire rejoiced at the fact that cola could also be drunk as alcohol.
“Have you heard? This whiskey is said to be made from holy water!”
“Ugh, I felt like my throat was burning, so that must be why!”
The good image of Seongsu and the advertisement that White Bear drinks ‘cola’. Plus, the charm of unfamiliar whiskey that I am tasting for the first time in my life.
For the people of the empire who only knew brewed beer as alcohol, high-proof distilled liquor offered a different kind of thrill.
Meanwhile, it was the aristocracy that cheered the advent of whiskey the most.
The vain aristocrats enjoyed showing off their knowledge, and whiskey was more than enough to satisfy their tastes.
“The whiskey I brought today is aged in 700-year-old Elf oak trees.”
“Ah, so that’s why the taste was different!”
In whiskey, oak barrels are key to determining the taste, and the elven forests have countless types of trees.
Their age also varied greatly, with some oak barrels being made from trees that were as little as a hundred years old and as old as several thousand years old.
And the older the wood the whiskey was aged in, the deeper the flavor it had.
Not all fairy whiskeys are the same.
“700 years? What a waste of a young tree.”
“What on earth did Marquis Owen bring… … ”
“Do you see the stick in my whiskey bottle?”
“Yes, I can see it.”
“It’s a branch of the world tree.”
“… … No, how on earth did you get that? If the elves found out, there would be chaos.”
“Don’t ask. It’s a secret.”
The nobles fought a fierce battle of nerves over the age and type of tree.
But wood isn’t the only thing that’s important in whiskey.
“What’s more important than the age of the oak barrel is whether it’s factory-made or handmade.”
“1. Princess. That is the White Tower Mountain.”
“Yes, that’s right.”
Princess Luciela smiled brightly.
The labels of the wine bottles in her hand each had a white and blue pagoda drawn on them.
The Blue Magic Tower was a symbol of the magic power of Ayla, the magician of the Blue Tower, who personally participated in distilling it, and it was difficult to obtain even with money due to its taste and rarity.
But the most important thing about Fairy Whiskey was whether or not it had the White Tower mark.
The depth of ‘maturation’ varies depending on the presence or absence of the mark.
“… … I envy you, Baekseokmatopsan whiskey.”
The nobles looked at Luciela with envious eyes, holding the White Tower Whiskey.
It was only a matter of time before whiskey, which had captured the tastes of the aristocracy, became a key part of the social world.
And the aristocrats liked to give their culture a plausible background.
“Did you know? Whiskey was developed to protect the North from invasions by white bears.”
“I also heard from an acquaintance in the North that the border was in danger from the invasion of white bears.”
“I was there at the time. It was a hair-raising moment that almost led to a war between races.”
“Oh, I see. So the reason Yuri-nim made alcohol with cola was because he was conscious of the White Bears.”
The background of the birth of ‘Fairy Cock’ was flowing in a strange direction through repeated distortions.
“Why is that?”
“No, my ears just feel ticklish.”
I blew on my ears with my fingers, which were scratching my ears.
“Are you done?”
“Yes, just do this one thing.”
Aria placed her hand on the oak barrel.
Woof- The magic of the oak barrel stirs and spits out its own ingredients.
Whiskey that has been ‘aged’ in this way is distributed with a picture of a white horse on the label.
What would happen if the nobility knew that the whiskey they are so passionate about was actually so simple to make?
“Phew, it’s all over.”
“great job.”
Aria groaned as I tapped her shoulder.
“Ugh, that’s cool. Oh, there you are.”
Aria, who had already breathed magic into 40 oak barrels today, looked exhausted.
Then, thump, thump. The ground shook, and a shadow appeared above my head.
“… Kru, can I take this?”
“Yes. Thank you, Mr. Arthur.”
A huge white bear lifts an oak barrel with ease.
White Bear, who introduced himself as Volitour’s younger brother, was moving oak barrels.
The white bears helped with a variety of tasks, from transporting whiskey to clearing barley fields and subduing forest beasts.
‘I told you it was amazing.’
I stuck out my tongue as I watched Arthur moving the oak barrel.
The northern forest, ‘Tundra’, is a dangerous place full of demons.
The White Bears turned such a dangerous forest into a safe zone in just one month.
It was a job I had asked for, but I didn’t know that subduing the demons would be this easy.
Thanks to that, my work has become a lot easier.
“I’ll wake up first.”
“Where do you want to go?”
“To pick grapes.”
Now that we have the whiskey, it was time to get the grapes.
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