I Became Park Jeong-ui’s Nephew - Chapter 312
Only Noblemtl
He became Park Jeong-ui’s nephew. – (312)
“So, what did Lian Xiang decide to do?”
“We have decided to maintain the dictatorship for now, because there is no other alternative.”
“Alternative? To me, it just seems like I don’t have a choice.”
This is the AOPR headquarters in Sri Lanka,
I listened to the noise coming from the continent.
What is the essence of democracy? One vote for each citizen?
If that is democracy, then Korea is not a democratic society.
The Korean government spends about 12 trillion won every year, and if this is shared equally among the 130 million people, each person would have to pay about 92,000 won in taxes.
So does everyone in Korea pay the same amount of taxes?
Of course not.
The reality is that the top 30% pay an average of 1.4 million won in taxes each year, and if we narrow it down a bit, the top 10% pay an average of 7 million won in taxes each year.
The remaining 70% are virtually tax-free.
If these 70% exercise sovereignty, is that democracy?
I believe that those who pay taxes should exercise sovereignty, and this is the fundamental reason for the difference in the number of voters in Korea and the United States.
In the United States, 62% of the total population cast their votes, while in South Korea, just over 50 million people out of 130 million cast their votes (38.4% of the total population are eligible to vote).
If this were Korean-style democracy, Korean society would have been turned upside down already.
However, society is maintained because its members have reached an agreement with each other.
In Korea, sovereignty is exercised by a certain ‘class’ of tax-paying people, while the government and political parties listen to social demands and formulate policies accordingly.
This time, the expansion of health insurance coverage from 60% to 80% is also an extension of that.
The response that coverage for mild illnesses is sufficient was fairly high at 70%, but the response that coverage for severe illnesses is sufficient was only 45%.
So, we expanded coverage for severe illnesses.
Does this reflect public opinion or the voices of a certain class?
In China, there was a time when Western-style democracy was disparaged as a “class system,” but looking at Korea, this is not exactly wrong.
In particular, Korea is a country that is sensitive to class; for example, when choosing a marriage partner, people consider the other person’s age, social status, etc.
Because Korea still has a culture that values academic background and class, no matter how much democracy is introduced, its unique class consciousness cannot be erased.
“Mom, why is that person working so hard on this hot day?”
“If you don’t want to end up like that, you have to study hard.”
A social culture that looks down on people who work hard even on hot days. If this isn’t a class system, then what is?
I don’t think the US would do that.
Although the United States appears to favor its soldiers on the surface, many people with no social purpose choose to become soldiers (or, to be precise, regular soldiers).
No matter what excuse you use, the truth is that the US treats its soldiers well so they feel responsible and volunteer for the military?
If that’s true, why does the United States have a shortage of soldiers every year?
How would American parents react if their sons enlisted in the military?
Externally, the United States treats and respects its veterans well, but in reality, most of them are low-income and have reasons for enlisting in the military.
This includes cases where you need financial aid for college, need citizenship as an illegal immigrant, or need to find a job due to financial difficulties at home.
In other words, in the United States, enlistment is a means for the lower classes to rise in status.
Not only in the US, but in any country, there are many people who join the military because they have nothing better to do.
Some claim that 60% of American soldiers are middle class, but they can only say that because they haven’t looked at the reality properly.
Most of those middle class people are those who take the elite course to become officers in the military.
If the US military is so great, how do you explain the statistic that 18 people commit suicide every day?
So what about the statistic that 14% of all homeless people in the United States are veterans?
When middle-class Americans enlist in the military, most of them take an elite course. This shows that even though the United States does not officially recognize the class system, there is a class awareness embedded in society.
This is something that even American scholars have acknowledged.
The specific details are roughly as follows.
[The history of the country called the United States itself is a collection of ‘scum’ separated from Britain. America was made up of criminals – outcasts – vagabonds – orphans sent from Britain, and as society grew, classes were divided within it.
Middle-class white Americans called the lower classes by a variety of nicknames, including “trailer trash,” “rednecks,” “waste people,” “hillbillies,” and “swamp people” (similar to hillbillies).
In America, class has defined the way people live, and the concept of the middle class is a class-based view.
What does the middle class mean? Isn’t it something that society has stigmatized as ‘you have to earn this much to live like a human being’? That’s why the United States was serious about expanding the middle class, and it became a national policy to create many of such classes.]
The very concept of the middle class is a class-based perspective.
I was really shocked when I first saw this material.
If you think about it, isn’t that not wrong?
You need to earn 100 million won a year to be middle class, you need to have your own apartment in your 40s to be middle class, you need to meet these conditions to be middle class.
In this way, society has always determined the conditions of class.
But you say that Korean society is not a class society? You say that American society is not a class society? You have to lie with your mouth open to say something like that.
So, instead of hiding it, I showed it outwardly.
Is it wrong to give voting rights to people who pay 7 million won in taxes every year?
Among the 1,041 high-ranking public officials of Grade 3 or higher in Korea, 643, among the 2,313 prosecutors, 1,741, and among the executives of listed companies, more than 60% are graduates of Kyungsung University.
Of course, there are cases where people like me who didn’t even graduate from college become heads of state or high-ranking public officials, but that’s only a very small percentage.
We should consider that Korean society has already become entrenched in a class system.
But there is no confusion because the members of society have agreed that if you want to be successful, you just have to go to a good university and get the class you want.
Granting equal status to all people in the spirit of democracy?
That’s just nonsense, considering that even the United States, which is considered the most democratic country in the world, has a class system.
Considering this, the people of Lianxiang are mistaken,
If you think that everyone can live equally just because a democratic system is introduced, you are mistaken.
We all know what the Chinese Communist Party, which preached equality for all people, did.
They just formed factions among themselves to gain benefits, which is why protests to overthrow communism like the Ssangbaek Movement took place.
In the end, what matters is social consensus, and since Lianxiang can’t do that, isn’t he conflicted between dictatorship and democracy?
So I forced Lianxiang to make a choice.
“Father, please suppress the protesters.”
“What does that mean?”
“Didn’t the Marshal give us the order to choose between dictatorship and democracy? If we prove that we are incapable of resolving this chaos, the Marshal may purge us.”
This is Yan’an, the home of Lianxiang.
Wang Guiying was tormented by her son’s urging.
As democracy was revived in Korea, the people of Yan’an also demanded the introduction of democracy, creating a confrontational structure between the vested interests and the ruled class.
Although the uproar temporarily subsided thanks to South Korea’s intervention, criticism of the dictatorship continues in many places.
If this is left unattended, Korea will begin to question Lian Xiang’s ability to govern, and if the purge is carried out, the Wang family’s privileges that they have enjoyed for the past 20 years will disappear.
Now is the time to make a decision,
Wang Guiying delegated all command authority to his son.
“Since this is a military operation, I won’t tell you not to shed blood. Do whatever you want.”
“All right.”
After gaining command of the militia, Wang Huizheng immediately began suppressing the protesters.
It has been two months since democracy protests began in Yan’an, and during that time Lianxiang has not directly harmed the protesters.
Even during the protests, the militiamen were able to talk to the protesters.
The militia are also citizens of Yan’an, so there is no reason to point guns at the protesters.
But now that the order has been given from above, the militia and the protesters are no longer on the same side.
I am in a position where I have to shoot citizens who were laughing and chatting until yesterday.
The militia commanders were astonished by the instructions from their superiors.
“They are also citizens of Yan’an and our family. Should we shoot at them?”
“You are also part of Lianxiang. If Lianxiang falls apart like this, the privileges you have enjoyed will fall apart as well. Is that what you want? Do you still like democracy?”
The militia could not say anything.
Because they belong to Lianxiang, they receive more money and enjoy higher social status than others. If democracy is introduced here, Lianxiang will collapse into a single political party.
Can I give up everything I have enjoyed so far for democracy?
The militia, alerted, turned their guns on the civilians.
“Disband immediately!!”
“Those who do not return home will be forcibly suppressed!!”
The protesters didn’t believe this at first.
Just a few days ago, we were laughing, chatting and talking with the militia, so do you think they’re going to shoot?
I guess that’s what they’re doing because they were told to do it from above.
The protesters, who had no grasp of reality, attempted to communicate with the militia.
“Hey!! Are you doing this because you were told to do so by someone from above?!!”
“We don’t plan on doing violent protests either!! So put down your guns!!”
“Can’t we just talk it out?!! We’re not trying to overthrow Lian Xiang!! It’s just… .”
Taang~!! Taang~!!
“Gyaaaahh …
The square became a scene of chaos after several soldiers opened fire.
Many people were crushed to death as they pushed and shoved each other, and the militia doggedly pursued them, further increasing the number of casualties.
This incident shocked even foreign media.
Reporters who went to the scene were speechless at the carnage taking place in the square.
“Oh my god!! Look!! What the hell is this?!!”
“Aren’t we all innocent citizens?!! How can this be possible?!!”
“I took the camera away!!”
“Catch them all!! Don’t let a single one slip away!!”
Now even foreign journalists are targets of attack,
When it became clear that Yan’an was no longer a safe place, the reporters quickly boarded flights overseas.
With external surveillance gone, Lianxiang is now in a position where he can do nothing, and the suppression operation has now expanded beyond the city to the countryside.
The incident where the voices of citizens calling for democracy were trampled by military boots.
Overseas public opinion condemned Lian Xiang’s brutal suppression operation.
‘So, what can you do?’
However, Queen Dowager Yi Jeong, who commanded this operation, displayed a confident attitude.
Lianxiang is a power with a population of 400 million, and has been growing rapidly in recent years with support from South Korea.
The middle class, whose annual income exceeds $10,000, has already surpassed 40 million people. What is there to gain by turning such a huge force into an enemy?
If overseas exchanges are difficult, all we have to do is establish a domestic economy with Korea. If Korea and Lianxiang join hands, a huge economic belt with a population of 540 million will be completed.
The combined middle class population of the two countries is a whopping 100 million.
If we include Japan here, the middle class will increase to 150 million.
This is a shame that easily surpasses the American middle class, and the US government knows it, which is why it has remained silent about this incident.
It is more beneficial to join hands with Korea than to turn away from it, and it is difficult for American companies to ignore the East Asian alliance with a middle class of 150 million people.