I Became Park Jeong-ui’s Nephew - Chapter 315
Only Noblemtl
He became Park Jeong-ui’s nephew. – (315)
“Cyrus II, the king of Persia, destroyed Babylon and issued a decree the following year, allowing the captives who had been taken to Babylon to return to their hometowns. Cyrus II granted religious freedom to all people in the world, and the Jews also returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the temple. Now, we support the establishment of a world government in accordance with the will of Cyrus the Great of the present era.”
This is New York,
The remarks of Jewish priests dressed in black shocked American society.
Cyrus II, whom they mentioned, was a hero who united the Arab world.
He was not just a conqueror, but the first person in human history to tolerate ethnic diversity and religious tolerance.
Although he is not often mentioned in world history, the UN displayed a replica of Cyrus II’s edict at the UN headquarters to commemorate his achievements. Isn’t the ideology pursued by the UN world peace and unity?
If the UN had chosen someone to emulate, Cyrus II could be considered the first person to pursue world unity.
“If we integrate everything, there will be no more fighting over ethnic or religious issues.”
In fact, Cyrus the Great pursued a war of conquest with this mindset.
In a world where people do not recognize diversity and fight against each other, shouldn’t someone step forward to clean up this mess?
In this way, the Persian dynasty destroyed Media and Lydia, took over Babylonia, and united the Arab world.
In that respect, Cyrus II is the most important conquering monarch in Jewish history.
His inclusive policies allowed the Jews to return to their homeland, build temples, and codify their religious doctrine.
Although Jews are seen as dominating American society in modern times, historically they have been persecuted and protected by others.
Have the Jews ever thought of themselves as conquerors of the world?
That this is not the case can be seen just by looking at the Jewish idea of being the chosen people.
“The reason we were chosen by God is because our ancestor Abraham was virtuous before God. God also promised that he would save all mankind one day. We just wait for that day to come.”
Jews do not claim that they are good and have been chosen by God.
It is just that Abraham, the progenitor, received God’s revelation and his descendants enjoyed the grace and virtue.
God has promised to save not only the Jews but all mankind, so the Jews, as a chosen people, can only wait for that day to come.
However, some extremists interpret this in their own way, claiming that only Jews are saved. Is that really God’s will?
If God really exists, he would not bestow his grace on such things.
So, while Jewish believers living in New York are waiting for the second coming of Cyrus the Great, the priests have pointed to the Korean leader as the modern-day Cyrus II.
Without further ado, isn’t AOPR the proof?
The U.S. government has been committing the ugly act of manipulating exchange rates, passing on debt to countries around the world, and causing inflation, thereby eating away at the flesh of its own citizens.
It is only natural that he would be met with public criticism for committing such an evil act.
In contrast, Marshal Park Sang-geun prevented the monopolization of wealth, solved inflation, and even mediated religious issues occurring around the world.
In the Middle East, he has brought peace to the Arab world by punishing extremists, promoted reconciliation between the Russian Orthodox Church and Catholic Church, and recently instructed AOPR Attorney General David Ackerman to legally prohibit violence and discrimination against other religions.
Literally the Cyrus II of this era,
The Jews raised their voices, saying that the time had come for the world to stop wars and achieve an era of peace according to God’s will.
The problem is that there are those who are dissatisfied with these voices, namely American Federalists.
“Who would create a world government at will?!!”
“The American world belongs to America alone!! You Jews, get out of this land!!”
“American Jews are conspiring with Korea to destroy America!! Let’s kick them all out and fix America!!”
Federalists have recently been trembling with fear that America may disappear.
That is understandable, since the dollar hegemony has already collapsed.
Since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the dollar’s credibility has depended solely on ‘fear’.
The dollar hegemony was maintained because of the fear that if the US collapsed, the world would collapse, but now there is an alternative to the US.
There is no reason why the East Asian alliance, including Korea, with a middle class of 150 million people, could not be an alternative to the United States.
Now that the U.S. economy is back on dollars and corporate-issued securities, the authority of the dollar has fallen to its lowest point.
Here, the federal government cut its regulatory policy by 250,000 federal employees, and the federal government reduced its deficit by $1.8 billion by abandoning its regulatory policy.
At this rate, there will even be talk that the US government is no longer needed.
It’s not for nothing that Jews talk about ‘world government’.
If America collapses like this, what will happen to white people in America? That anxiety has led to aggression against Jews and people of color.
“America is a country of Americans!!”
“Let’s kick out people of color and fix America!!”
Riots and racial terrorism occurring everywhere,
The main victims were, again, Jews in the United States.
After relying on the authority of the US government for a while to show off his power, is he now thinking of switching to Korea and bringing down the US?
This vague fear and loathing has caused great chaos in American society.
“Mr. Paul Goldman, do you have anything to say?”
“There are many. People here are accusing me of being a terrorist who is trying to destroy America, but let me be clear: You, who are standing before me right now, are the ones who destroyed America. You are the criminals who made America like this.”
This is the United States Congress,
Paul Goldman, who appeared at the hearing, criticized American politicians indiscriminately.
Paul Goldman is the AOPR’s Treasury Secretary and is suspected of orchestrating the overthrow of the U.S. government.
But is it a conspiracy theory that brought down America, or is the cause somewhere else? Paul Goldman pointed his finger at the politicians who appeared at the hearing.
“Did you know that the federal funds rate is close to 0%? And that it is difficult to intervene in the currency market by adjusting interest rates?”
“That is a problem that can be easily solved by purchasing government bonds.”
“That’s a fraud. You are deceiving America and public opinion. So prices in America have fallen? That’s like sending soldiers into battle without bullets.”
To stabilize the currency, it is natural to adjust interest rates.
But the US has been issuing too much money and adjusting interest rates so far, and as a result, the US has virtually zero interest rates to adjust.
In this situation, it is a fraud to stimulate the economy by releasing money.
The only thing that’s possible is for the US Treasury to issue government bonds and for banks to buy them. So is that making America better?
All the federal government did was crunch the numbers, and the banks’ debt just kept rising.
The only person who buys US Treasury bonds is the US government, so how do banks make a profit in this situation?
The only relief came when war broke out in India and demand for dollars surged in Yan’an.
But this did not have a positive effect on the U.S. economy.
The government keeps talking about how the US economy will recover, but in reality it is at a standstill, so aren’t Americans dissatisfied?
All American politicians do is manipulate statistics,
Paul Goldman, who monitors the world economy as the Secretary of the Treasury for the AOPR, exposes the US economic policy and its true nature.
“Look at this. I just told you that the US has virtually no more room to raise interest rates. So they have no choice but to issue bonds and pass the burden on to the banks. But if you look at this data, the statistics show that interest rates have risen and there has been a shortage of funds. Are you kidding me? Where are the rates? All the US federal government is doing right now is forcing banks to buy government bonds and increase liquidity. What kind of economic policy is this? It’s playing with numbers.”
“Hmm~ What’s going on? Can someone explain this to me?”
The Speaker of the House of Representatives called on federal officials to explain.
But the bureaucrats are consistently giving the same answer.
They controlled the currency by adjusting interest rates when there was no interest rate to raise?
If Paul Goldman’s claims are true, federal accountants have been fooling the public.
In fact, US statistics are compiled based on data from two years ago, when there were still interest rates that the US government could adjust.
So, in these statistics, the possibility of monetary adjustment due to interest rate adjustment has been manipulated, but in reality, there is not even 0.1% of interest rate to adjust.
Literally, they just close their eyes and keep quiet, and when the problem arises in the next government, they just pass it on to the next government.
In this way, the government has been deceiving the people every time.
In fact, the U.S. economy has been in decline for some time.
No, the American people are already feeling the reality firsthand, but why does the country keep saying that the economy will get better while their livelihoods continue to get tougher?
Am I not living in America?
Paul Goldman’s revelations literally turned American public opinion upside down.
“What? So you’re deceiving us by compiling statistics using data from two years ago?!!”
“Ah~ So this is why politicians blame the previous administration when problems arise later on!! Now I know why!!”
“If you look at it that way, then the fact that the debt increased to 41% during the Reagan administration is also a lie!! The real culprit was someone else!!”
Bureaucrats who blind the eyes and ears of public opinion by manipulating numbers, do you think these people would work for the United States?
Rather, while the AOPR’s Treasury Secretary was properly sizing up the US economy, Paul Goldman was advocating for the abolition of the trash dollar and the issuance of a world unified currency.
“Everyone, if we continue to hold on to the dollar, America will collapse. Not only America, but the world economy, which was barely supported by the sand of dollars, will collapse. Before that happens, we need to establish a world government and issue a unified currency to solve this problem.
Are you saying that I’m plotting to bring down America?
Let’s see if you can say that in five years. You should jump off the sinking ship quickly. Of course, the sinking ship will be the United States. Jump into the sea quickly. Noah’s ark is already prepared for you.
“A giant ark called the World Government.”
A declaration to virtually overthrow the US government and establish a world government.
On this day, America effectively died once.
However, there were conflicting forces supporting the federal government and those seeking to reform society after realizing the reality, and in the process, Paul Goldman even received an assassination threat.
In the eyes of the Federalists, Paul Goldman is nothing more than a spy trying to destroy America.
The accusation of being a dirty Jew also followed.
‘Okay, go ahead and say whatever you want. The tide has already turned.’
But the person concerned snorted.
How long do you think America can endure them throwing tantrums?
Time was on AOPR’s side, and those who had caught wind of it began to crawl out of the sinking ship.